Skirt and Flank Steak

Skirt and Flank Steak

from $7.20

$15.99/lb - skirt

$14.99/lb - flank

Both skirt steak and flank steak are lean cuts of beef that are often grilled, pan-seared on the stovetop, or stir-fried.

Skirt steak is a cut of beef steak from the plate. It is long, flat, and prized for its flavor rather than tenderness. The skirt steak is great for fajitas.

A relatively long and flat cut, flank steak is used in a variety of dishes including London broil, and as an alternative to the traditional skirt steak in fajitas. It can be grilled, pan-fried, broiled, or braised for increased tenderness. French butchers refer to it as bavette.

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